Programming and Coding lab
FXEC, Tirunelveli | 06 Mar,2023

FXEC Programming and Coding Industrial Applied lab organized a special initiative skill training on the topic “Advanced Java Script Concepts” for the II Year Students. A total of 36 Students from the Programming and Coding Lab attended the training. The students were trained on the following topics like Java Script Function, arrow function, JS Arrays, JS Array Methods, JS Objects, JS Events, JS Classes, JS Sets, JS Maps, JS Json, the spread operator, Function Rest Parameter, JS Async - JS Callbacks, JS Asynchronous, JS Promises, JS Async/Await, JS HTML DOM, JS Web APIs and Local Storage. At the end of each training day, students submitted a mini project as their assignment. Assignments were submitted on the topic “horoscope”, “SGPA/CGPA Calculator”, and “Health Prediction and Recommendation System” respectively. On the final day of the training, students submitted their individual project.
The programme was coordinated by Dr. E. Manohar under the guidance of Dr. K. Lakshmi Narayanan, Applied Lab Vertical Head and Mr. S. Krishna Kumar, Director, Applied Labs.