Women achieving in the field of Engineering and Technology - Smt. Kavitha Jawahar, Motivational Speaker

FXEC, Tirunelveli | 14 Mar,2023


International Women’s Day brings many things for women – a cause for celebration, a reason to pause and re-evaluate, get motiovated, inspired and a time to honour the loved and admired ones.

Women's Day was celebrated at Francis Xavier Engineering College to acknowledge the progress and achievement of every individual woman.

On the occasion, an array of contests like Treasure Hunt, News Paper Fashion Show, Sha Boo Three, Dub Smash, Meme Creation, Dance on the Spot and Singing were conducted with a motto to provide a platform for the women students to expose their talents. Mrs. Kavitha Jawahar, Motivational-Speaker was invited as the chief guest for the event. In her address she spoke on the theme “Innovation and technology for gender equality" and that it takes a whole lot of determination to achieve greatness in this society we live in. It is always a pride to see women achieving in the field of Engineering & Technology. She appreciated the fact that 7 of the department heads are women who are great achievers as it takes a great deal to balance between their career and family. She acknowledged that the women teachers are like angels who treat the students as their own children and groom them to shine in their life and career. She also quoted Dr. Muthulakshmi, the first female doctor of Tamil Nadu who struggled a lot to attain such a position in her life. It is the undue responsibility of all the women to greet their mothers on this special occasion and earn honour to their family.

The programme was presided by Dr. V Velmurugan, Principal, Francis Xavier Engineering College. Mrs. Priyadharshini Arum Babu, Correspondent, SCAD Group of INstitutions and Dr. John Kennedy, Director Admission, SCAD offered falicitations and greeted all the women faculty and student.

Prizes were also distributed to the students who won in the competitions conducted in this regard.