An Autonomous Institution

Accredited by NBA(CSE, ECE, EEE, MECH)

AICTE Sponsored Margdarshan Mentor Institution

DST-FIST Supported Institution | ISO 9001:2015 certified

Recognised Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of the UGC Act,1956

103/G2, Bypass Road, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India - 627003.

Event Image

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized the 16th National Level Technical Symposium XTREME2020 on 28-02-2020. The Chief Guest for the programme was Er. V. Balamurali, (Alumnus), Director, Nellai Systems & Services. The various events organized in the symposium were Paper Presentation, Code Debugging, Quiz, Web Designing, Photography, Best Manager, Gaming, Short Film and Connexion. The participants from various colleges actively participated in the events. The inauguration function started with the prayer song and prayer by the CSE Department Choir. Ms. Jenisha of IV CSE gave the welcome address. The inauguration started with lightning of Kuthuvillaku followed by the inauguration video created by the CSE Students. The inaugural address was given by Mr. Ignatius Xavier, General Manager Finance, SCAD group of Institutions and Mr. Krishna Kumar, Director Alumni, Francis Xavier Engineering College. Ms. Maheswari of IV CSE introduced the Chief Guest to the gathering. Er. V. Balamurali gave the chief guest address to the gathering. The Symposium Souvenir and CD were released by Mr. Ignatius Xavier. Ms. Mangayarkarasi gave the vote of thanks to the gathering. The various events were conducted in various venues. The prizes were distributed in the valedictory function. The valedictory function started with the welcome address by Ms.Sherin Stanley. The faculties of CSE Department distributed the prizes to the Winners and Runners. The certificates for the CSE academic toppers of each class and CISCO Certificates to the students were also distributed. The vote of thanks was given by Mr.Praveen. The programme ended with the National Anthem. The Programme was organized by CSE Department Staff and Students under the guidance of Prof. P. Brundha, Head of the Department, Francis Xavier Engineering College.

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