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On 14.09.2023 a Workshop on " Entrepreneurship and Innovation as a Career Opportunity" was organized by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell and IIC in association with the Department of Information Technology. The session was handled by Dr. J B Shajilin Loret, Head of the department -IT, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli from 1.20-2.20 PM . 40 students and 2 faculties participated. This event was coordinated by Ms. R Shirly Myrtle AP/IT.

The program started with the welcome address by Ms. R Shirly Myrtle AP/IT, Francis Xavier Engineering College. The guest speaker Dr. J B Shajilin Loret started the speech by explaining the importance of Entrepreneurship. It refers to the process of starting, developing, and managing a new business or venture, typically with the aim of creating value, generating profits, and addressing unmet needs in the market. She said entrepreneurs are individuals who take on the risk and responsibility of launching and running these ventures. She then continues with the importance of entrepreneurship explaining how entrepreneurship plays a key driver of economic growth. She also highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship such as new businesses create jobs, stimulate consumer spending, and contribute to overall prosperity. Entrepreneurs are often at the forefront of innovation.

Successful entrepreneurship can lead to substantial financial rewards, not only for the entrepreneurs themselves but also for their employees and investors. Entrepreneurs introduce competition, which can lead to better products, lower prices, and improved customer service as established businesses strive to stay competitive. She also insisted the common challenges encountered by entrepreneurs. It explores the difficulties in accessing capital and financial resources, including traditional funding options and alternative financing avenues. She also discussed the barriers to market entry and the competitive landscape that entrepreneurs often face. The session was an interactive one and all the participants benefitted out of the program.

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