On 04th December 2021 Entrepreneurship Development Cell and the Institution’s Innovation Council in association with the department of Information Technology organized a talk on “Entrepreneurship Mindset and Creativity” to the IT department students. The seminar was organized for II year B.Tech (IT) students. Mr. V.Karthick, young student entrepreneur and Final year IT department student was the speakers. The objective of this session was to motivate students towards entrepreneurship as it can create employment for the future generations. The lecture was organized to raise basic awareness of entrepreneurial concepts and to enable students to identify and learn how to make a mindset to take up entrepreneurship as a career. He shared his experiences while starting his concern. He said he is managing 5 concerns and all of them are created and run by himself. He said instead of searching for job all the engineers must create entrepreneurial venture and provide jobs to others. He highlighted the present opportunities to start the income generating venture. One of his venture is share trading and he said he is earning sizeable amount form this venture through his calculated investment. He gave an open call to all the participants to give one month training in share trading and number of students have registered their names for this voluntary training also. The session was an interactive one where the students were very participative and engaged in questions with the resource person. 57 students participated in the session.