On 13.04.2023 an Expert talk on "Government Schemes to Promote Rural Entrepreneurship through Self Help Groups (SHG)" was organized by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell and IIC in association with the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. The session was handled by Mr. Ganesan, General Manager, District Industries Centre, Tirunelveli from 09.30 AM - 12.30 PM. 43 leaders from SHGs and 2 faculties participated. This event was coordinated by Dr. R. Prem Ananth AP/ECE. This event was conducted with the guidance of Dr. Lourdes Poobala Rayen, EDC Director.
The program started with the welcome address by Dr Lourdes Poobala Rayen, EDC Director. He started his welcome address by creating an awareness and importance of getting a government schemes to start the business. He introduced the chief guest Mr. Ganesan, General Manager, District Industry Centre (DIC) to the gathering and his role in developing Rural Entrepreneurship. The guest speaker started the speech by explaining his role in DIC and the steps they are taking to promote entrepreneurship in the district. He explained Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (PMFMF), Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP), Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) and New Entrepreneur cum Enterprise Development Scheme (NEEDS). He stated the objectives of the Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme such as Capacity Building of Micro Food entrepreneurs, Technology up-gradation of the existing Micro Food Processing Enterprises by increasing access to credit to the entrepreneurs, Branding and Marketing support. The guest speaker also explained Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP) schemes and the eligibility criteria for the UYEGP schemes. He said the applicant should have an eighth-grade education, any adult (18+) can apply for UYEGP, the annual income shouldn’t exceed Rs. 1,50,000 per annum, the applicant must have a 3-year residence in Tamilnadu, training was required for a UYEGP loan and the recipient should not have received any State/Central Government loan or subsidy. Similarly, he explained the objectives and eligible criteria for Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) and New Entrepreneur cum Enterprise Development Scheme (NEEDS).
The interaction between the SHGs and the resource person was highly motivating to all the participants. Session came to an end with the feedback of the SHGs. The Program was coordinated by Dr. R. Prem Ananth, IIC Convener, IIC Innovation Ambassador for "Design thinking & Innovations", Assistant professor, Francis Xavier Engineering College.