An Autonomous Institution

Accredited by NBA(CSE, ECE, EEE, MECH)

AICTE Sponsored Margdarshan Mentor Institution

DST-FIST Supported Institution | ISO 9001:2015 certified

Recognised Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of the UGC Act,1956

103/G2, Bypass Road, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India - 627003.

Event Image

On 10th February, 2023 Entrepreneurship Development Cell & Institution’s Innovation Council in association with the Department of Mechanical Engineering organized an “Ideathon 2023” from 09:00 am to 04.00 pm. The felicitation address was given by Dr. Lourdes Poobala Rayen, IIC President and Director, Entrepreneurship Development Cell and Dr.R.Samuel Hansen, Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering. The presidential address was given by Dr. V.Velmurugan, Principal of FXEC. The rules & regulations of Ideathon 2023 were explained by Dr.M.Kannan, Professor/Mechanical Engineering and Co-ordinator of the event. 18 teams with 45 students participated in the Ideathon.

The event was organized to bring together talented developers, designers, and critical thinkers to collaborate and create innovative solutions to real-world problems. The event was attended by participants from various leading Institutions across India and from various backgrounds. The participants contested in the event as a team of three participants. The team members worked tirelessly for a minimum of 5 hours to find solutions that addressed the given problem statements. The wide variety of problem statements based on the theme of SUSTAINABILITY, HEALTH CARE, FOOD STORAGE, and AGRICULTURE for the IDEATHON. Based on the problem statement the participants started developing the solutions. The evaluation of the design was done in two stages. The first evaluation was table discussion, a team of four juries visited to individual table and interacted with the team members to assess the design for the following criteria: Problem Weightage, Solution Scheme, Approach, Technological Readiness, Innovation and Originality.

In the first round 5 teams were selected for the final evaluation. The juries gave feedback to the shortlisted teams and allowed the teams for two hours for further development of the design. At the end of the two hours the shortlisted teams were called for final presentation and evaluated as per the evaluation criteria given to them such as Proposed Solution, Social Impact, Market Potential and Presentation. Throughout the event, the participants were given access to mentors and volunteers who provided guidance and feedback on their project ideas. After the careful evaluation and deliberations, the judges announced the winners of the IDEATHON.

1st Place: TEAM No. 2, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College

2nd Place: TEAM No. 7, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College

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