Ideation lab envisions turning an innovative idea into a tangible concept by involving students in creativity, product development, design thinking and fostering skills among engineering students in all disciplines that are required to identify opportunities and bring them to life. Ideation Lab in FXEC explores to bring out the creativity, innovation and skills of the students through their Ideas and foster them to get along with futuristic technologies.
The Ideation Lab and Department Of Information Technology of Francis Xavier Engineering College had jointly organized 24 hour Hackathon programme TechHAckathon1.0(Software Edition) from 10.11.2022(6 pm) to 11.11.2022 (6 pm) in association with NeubAItics Tech Pvt.Ltd.
The Hackathon was inaugurated on 10.11.2022 at 6.00 pm by the Chairman Dr.S.Cletus Babu, SCAD group of institutions Chairman motivated the students with his words of inspiration and emphasized on focus, Hard work and engineers providing solutions for society. Felicitation address was delivered by Dr.K.Jeyakumar GM(D)- SCAD, Dr.S.Mohammed Sathik- Director ,School of Computer studies SCAD, and Mr.S.Krishna Kumar GM(A)- SCAD, Director Applied Labs. Er.Kalke Seetharaman disclosed Hackathon statements and protocol. This hackathon was conducted with the theme Artificial Intelligence and use cases in Agriculture, Business, Health care, Education sector and Environment.