On 30.10.2021 awebinar was organised by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell and Institution’s lnnovation Council in association with the Department of Computer Applications on the topic"Incubation Opportunities for Early stage Entrepreneurs”. Mr. P. Lakshmana Karthick,ManagingDirector, Aram Digital Marketing,Chennai was the guest speaker.The resource person shared his experience and challenges faced while starting his concern. He highlighted how to take advantage of incubation opportunities. In this process he exposed the government financial assistance provided to the prospective and existing entrepreneurs. motivated the students how to become Entrepreneur and to lead business life for future. The resource person highlighted the need for using the incubation opportunities while developing a product which can be used for starting the business venture. The students found it very beneficial for identifying the problem, incubate the same to develop the prototype and to develop a product which can be marketable. Allthe MCA students actively participated in this Webinar.