On 20.12.2022 @ 4.00 staff members Dr.Lourdes Poobala Rayen, Director, EDC, Dr.Kannan, Mech, Dr. Justin HoD, EEE, Dr. Annapandi EEE, Dr. Samuel Hansen HoD, Mech, Sundar, Mech, Mr.Samuel Prabakaran, HoD, Civil, Mr.Vivek, civil, Dr. R. Prem Ananth, IIC Convener, ECE and Dr. Andrew Roobert, ECE attended the ZED Certification Awareness Program in Hotel Appna Park, Tirunelveli. The program was organized by MSME DFO, Tirunelveli. Mr.Ganesan, General Manager, District Industries Centre, Tirunelvei explained the various schemes supporting the entrepreneurship and the financial support for the promotion of entrepreneurship. Mr.Simiyon gave an outline about ZED Certification and Mr.P.M Devaraj, Lean Auditor explained the salient features of ZED Certification process. Wherein he explained the Bronze, Silver and Gold certification process and parameters for all the certifications. It was an eye opener for all the faculty members attended the program.