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103/G2, Bypass Road, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India - 627003.

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Webinar Report

Programme             : Webinar on Neuro Fuzzy System


Period                        : 08-07-2020

Resource Person     : Mrs.P.BeslinPajila, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli


Title  :  Webinar on Neuro Fuzzy System


Programme Details:

The webinar on the topic Neuro Fuzzy System was streamed through Youtube. The resource person for the webinar was Mrs.P.Beslin Pajila,Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli.

The programme was started with the prayer, welcome address and introduction of the resource person. There were around 468 participants registered for the webinar from all over the world. The resource person gave an introduction about Neural Networks. She taught about Neural Networks Architecture, Fuzzy logic, Traditional system, Neuro Fuzzy system Approaches, Combination of Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, Neuro-Fuzzy System(NFS) Based on Mamdani Approach, Membership Function Distribution, Neuro-Fuzzy System(NFS) Based on Takagi and Sugeno’s Approach and ANFIS Architecture. Mrs.P.Jenifer gave the vote of thanks. The programme was organised by Mrs.M.Sharon Nisha,AP/CSE with the guidance of Dr. Jeyakumar, General Manager Development, SCAD Group, Mr. Krishnakumar, Alumni Director and Prof. P. Brundha, Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.


                                                                                         Staff In-charge                                                                                               HOD

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