An Autonomous Institution

Accredited by NBA(CSE, ECE, EEE, MECH)

AICTE Sponsored Margdarshan Mentor Institution

DST-FIST Supported Institution | ISO 9001:2015 certified

Recognised Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of the UGC Act,1956

103/G2, Bypass Road, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India - 627003.

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A PTA meeting was organized for II year and III Year parents in the institution level on 11.03.2023. The purpose of the meeting in to discuss about the placement opportunities in the campus. The meeting started with the prayer by Mrs. Annie Rose Nirmala, Head,MBA department followed by the welcome address by Dr. V. Velmurugan, Principal, FXEC. He discussed about the institutional highlights, awards, and achievements. The placement procedures were well explained by Dr. Gnana Saravanan, Prof. Placement, FXEC. He has given a hope of placement to the parents. The projects and world skill competitions that has been carried out through applied Labs was narrated by Dr. Lakshmi Narayanan, Prof. Applied Labs, FXEC. Dr. K. Jeyakumar, GMD, SCAD Group of Institutions presided over the function and he in his felicitation address explained about the OBE at FX Campus. In the felicitation address by Dr. John Kennedy, Director, SCAD Group of Institutions he has motivated the parents to guide the students in a proper way. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks by Prof. D, Angeline Ranjithamani,Head, MCA Department. The parents found this meeting very informative and thanked the management for their cordial relationship

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