On 10.01.23 the Entrepreneurship Development cell in association with AURCT-IEDP HUB, Anna University Regional Campus, Tirunelveli organized Awareness Program on Tamilnadu Student Innovators. MrM.SivaBaarathi, Field Coordinator, AURCT-IEDP HUB,Anna University Regional Campus-Tirunelveli and Mr. Padmanabha Kamal, CEO, Shelly Pvt Ltd, Thoothukudiare the guest speakers .This event was coordinated by Dr R PremAnanth AP/ECE. This event was conducted with the guidance of Dr.LourdesPoobalaRayen, EDC Director.
The program started with the welcome address of DrLoordesPoobalaRayen, EDC director, he introduced both the guest speakers and the students of all the discipline for the EDC program. The first session was shared by Mr M.Siva Baarathi,he started the session by saying the importance of TNSI competition. He said every year EDII-TN was organizing TNSI completion and giving Rs 1 lakhs to 5 members but this year EDII-TN is giving Rs 1 lakhs for 25 members. He motivated the students that last three years each time one team from your college is winning Rs 1 lakhs. Then he started explaining the stages of TNSI competition and their stages are
Stage 1: Entrepreneurship Awareness programmes,
Stage 2: Ideation (IDEA) Camp- (Design Thinking, Business plan preparation),
Stage 3: Boot Camp, Stage
4. State Level Pitch and Stage
5. Fellowship/Prototyping.
He opened the online application form of TNSI competition and he started to explain each tab and their relevant answer to be given with example.The second session was handled by Mr. Padmanabha Kamal, CEO, Shelly Pvt Ltd Thoothukudi, he shared his personal experience of his startup company. He said innovation is the key for startup and he shared his success story of his car wash company. He said identifying the social problems and giving solution at minimum prize is the pays a way to startup. He addressed two societal problems like maximum use of water for car wash and non-availability of car wash slot. His company providing car wash at door steps and also with minimal use of water at minimum amount, with this he motivated the students. Further the interaction between the students and guest speakers make the session very useful. 122 students get benefitted along with 4 faculties.