Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Francis Xavier engineering college established its Texas Instruments Centre of Excellence Laboratory (Innovation Lab) on 29.01.2020. Chief Guest for this program is Mr.V.S.Ramesh, Texas Instruments India, Director STEPS Knowledge Services, Coimbatore. In this regard a MoU signing ceremony happened on 29.01.2020 in the presence of Er.C.Arunbabu, Managing Director, Dr.K.Jeyakumar, General Manager Development, Dr.D.C.Joy Winnie Wise, Principal, Dr.R.Vedapriyavadhana, Professor Academics, Dr.G.Rajakumar, Controller of Examinations, and Mrs.L.R.Priya, Head of the department. In this ceremony the students of Electronics and Communication engineering were addressed by Mr.V.S.Ramesh and imparted the need of establishing this laboratory and various modules of this Innovation Laboratory. This event was organized by Dr.K.Lakshminarayanan, SPOC and In-charge for Texas Instruments, Innovation Laboratory of ECE Department.
After this event an introductory workshop on Embedded System Design based on 16 bit microcontroller using MSP430 EXP G2 was conducted. Applied Laboratory Students and faculty members of Electronics and Communication Engineering got benefited through this workshop.