On 29.9.2022A webinar was conducted by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell and Institution lnnovation Council in association with the Department of Computer Applications on the topic " Entrepreneurship the Need of the Hour to Accelerate Economic Growth”. The Webinar was organized for MCA students. Mr.P.Kasi Rajan, Entrepreneur and Software Consultant, Chennai delivered the guest lecture from 1.30 pm - 4.00 pm He discussed about economic growth factors like introducing innovative technologies, products, services, creativity, leadership. He mentioned in his talk about Entrepreneurs are important in the Economy because they can act as the wheels of the economic growth of the country. 50 students and 2 staff were actively participated in the session. All the students were benefited by the seminar. The interaction between the students and the resource person was highly motivational. The motive of this programme is to cultivate Entrepreneurship thrust among the students