To design and develop products for various real time applications through inter-disciplinary research. To identify, analyze and provide solutions to the day-today life problems by means of IoT technology.
To afford the platform where professionals become skilled at smart city applications. To make available of expertise Centre for skill up-gradation. To analyze real world problems and acquire knowledge in latest trends in technology through industry relationship
Level 1 Training (Basic Level) : Initial Basic Level Trainings will be given to the students who join in the IoT Applied lab by the existing students available in the laboratory this training will be on Tinkercad Simulation tool, 8051 Microcontroller and Arduino. Normally students those who join in the first year will be in this phase. If any particular student in this case have a strong idea about his phase will be assessed based on a project and will be transferred to the level appropriate to him.
Level 2 Training (Intermediate level) : This training will be on advanced level boards such as ARM boards and Raspberry pi and other IoT enabled boards. This training will be provided to the students by the faculty in-charge responsible for the IoT applied lab.
Level 3 Training (Advanced Level) : In this level in order to cater the industrial standards students will be provided with advanced level training by external vendors and industrial experts. The students who complete this training will have the capability to get placed in any CORE IoT based Company and he will have the capability of taking consultancy works and become entrepreneur.