
SI.NO Name of the paper Name of the Published Journal Name of The Author Published Year
1 Recent Trends and Growth in Entrepreneurship Development in India International Journal of Recent Research Aspects, IJRRA ISSN: 2349-7688 Annie Rose Nirmala D 2018-2019
2 Fundamental Analysis of Bajaj Auto Our Heritage Journal Annie Rose Nirmala D 2019-2020
3 Effectiveness of Sales Endorsement Techniques – An Emperical Review Our Heritage Journal Annie Rose Nirmala D 2020
4 Role of NABARD in the SHGBLP Innovation And Sustainability In Rural And Agro Development In Digital Era – 2020, Shanlax Publications. Annie Rose Nirmala D 2019-2020
5 Demographic Profile of the Micro Entrepreneurs -Tirunelveli District Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131, Scopus suggested Journal ID:50E0TF02C8886FF83, Impact Factor:5.8, UGC Approved:41238, Volume V, Issue XII, December/2018 Dr. Lourdes Poobala Rayen 2018-2019
6 A Study on the Quality of Exertion Life Cycle Stability with Reference to Textile Mills Our Heritage Dr. Subramania Bala Jeshurun
7 A Study on Employees Perception with Special Reference to Private Bank, Tirunelveli Our Heritage Dr. Subramania Bala Jeshurun 2020
8 An Empirical Study on Profession Consummation among College Librarians Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Dr. Subramania Bala Jeshurun
9 Expectations of the Farmers’ towards Agriculture Sector Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Dr. Subramania Bala Jeshurun
10 Consumer Buying Behaviour at Lulu Mall Cochin Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Dr. Subramania Bala Jeshurun
11 A Study on the Experiences of the Customer Pertinent to the Consumption in Velan Coffee Shop, Coimbatore Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Dr. Subramania Bala Jeshurun 2020
12 Effectiveness of Sales Endorsement Techniques – An Emperical Review Our Heritage Dr. Subramania Bala Jeshurun 2020
13 Quality of Work Life Leads To Career Contentment With Superior Allusion To Women Teachers– An Empirical Study Our Heritage Dr. Subramania Bala Jeshurun 2020
14 Involvment of Agronomy in Rural Development Innovation And Sustainability In Rural And Agro Development In Digital Era – 2020, Shanlax Publications. Dr. Subramania Bala Jeshurun 2020